AFFORM.NET – AF IMT Form 4009 – Government Purchase Card Fund Cite Authorization – Whether you are planning to get married, move to a new place, or have a business venture, you need to file an Air Force IMT Form 4009 if you want to receive the required paperwork. You can fill this out online, or download a fillable version to complete it offline.
Download AF IMT Form 4009 – Government Purchase Card Fund Cite Authorization
Form Number | AF4009 |
Form Title | Government Purchase Card Fund Cite Authorization |
Published | 11 Mar 2003 |
Prescribing Pub | DAFI64-117 |
File Size | 1,013.33 KB |
What is an Air Force IMT Form 4009?
An Air Force IMT Form 4009 is used to verify that funds are available for a particular purpose and to maintain accounting records for such a purpose. This form is signed by the AFO or a designee. It is also used to issue policy and guidance, and assign responsibilities. These forms are highly case-specific, and the proper process is dependent on the specific circumstances of the situation.