AFFORM.NET – AF Form 988 – Leave Request/Authorization – AF Form 988 is used to request or authorize leave from service. There are three sections on this form, and each one must be filled out completely in order to submit the form. Learn more about each section below. To begin, you should complete the first section to state the reason for the leave. Then, fill out the next two sections to give further details. The third section is for approving the leave. The final section allows you to sign your request for leave.
Download AF Form 988 – Leave Request/Authorization
Form Number | AF988 |
Published | 20 Nov 2020 |
Prescribing Pub | AFMAN65-116V2 |
File Size | 58.08 KB |
What is an Air Force Form 988?
What is Air Force Form 988? AF Form 988 is an official document for members of the military who want to take time off from their duties. It contains three sections and must be completed by the member requesting leave. They must also sign the form, which must be completed by their supervising officer in charge or commander or supervisor. The information on the first page must be repeated on the other two pages. Both pages have identical information, except that the second page must record data for leave taken outside the United States.
AF Form 988 contains certain fields and details that need to be filled in by a member of the military. When a user is authorized to leave, they can print the form with their assigned leave number. They can then verify the details on the form. The green leave number indicates that the request for leave was approved. If there is no green leave number, then the request was not authorized. They can then return to work or begin their new lives.
What is the Purpose of AF Form 988?
The AF Form 988 is used to request or authorize a leave of absence. It has three sections and must be filled out completely in order to submit your request or authorization for leave. If you are unsure of the format, you can use a sample form and check for any mistakes. You can also find more information about this form on our website.
You can use an electronic signature to sign your AF Form 988. You can do this with an online signing service such as CocoSign. It requires no installation and can save and forward the signed document. It is also simple to design your signature and store it on the document. You can also email a copy of the signed file to the recipient. It is easy to sign an AF Form 988 in minutes and is free.
AF Form 988 – Leave Request/Authorization
An AF Form 988 is required when you request leave. The member requesting leave must fill out all of the required information. This includes the member’s name, social security number, grade, and date of request. The officer approving the leave must sign the form as well. The remainder of the form requires the member to fill in the appropriate information and sign the appropriate sections. In some cases, a supervising officer must also sign the form.
When preparing the AF Form 988, it is important to carefully read the instructions before you start filling in the blanks. It is important to understand that there are several sections on the form. You must fill out all of them correctly. You must also understand that the authorized PTDY opportunity is a special case. If you are unsure, you can ask your supervisor. If the person does not understand something, you should explain the situation to the supervisor.