AFFORM.NET – DAF Form 618 – Medical Board Report– If you’re looking for a copy of the DAF Form 618, you’ve come to the right place. If you’re wondering “What is a DAF Form 618?” or “Where can I find one?”, read on to learn more about this form.
Download DAF Form 618 – Medical Board Report
Form Number | DAF618 |
Published | 11 Aug 2021 |
Prescribing Pub | DAFMAN48-108 |
File Size | 632.66 KB |
What is a DAF Form 618?
The Air Force has a new form that is used to review medical cases. The DAF Form 618 is the new medical board report. It provides detailed information about the physical limitations that a service member has. It also outlines recommended restrictions on duty and mobility. This form is administered by the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC), which oversees the RILO process. The form is completed by an exercise physiologist.
The AF Form 422 is used to document medical conditions that affect an active duty member. It provides detailed information to a commander or personnel systems specialist. The form must be accurate and written in plain language. It also should include information that a physician would not be able to provide.
Where Can I Find a DAF Form 618?
If you are in the process of completing a DAF Form 618, you might be wondering where to find it. These forms are used for a number of different purposes. You can use them to request a medical evaluation or to file an alert about a faulty aircraft. The DAF Form 618 is an important document for the Air Force.
DAF Form 618 – Medical Board Report
The applicant presented to the MEB for a podiatry evaluation on 22 October 2009. The podiatrist recommended separation and a continuing profile. He did not state any other medical conditions. The orthopedic surgeon indicated the applicant would have ongoing pain due to arthrosis of the knee. The applicant’s DAF Form 618 coversheet did not include this information.
This report is a must-have for enlisted members of the Air Force. The information provided must be accurate, concise, and unambiguous. It should be written in such a way that it would not confuse the command authorities and be easy to read. It should also state any limitations the field member has that prevent them from performing their assigned duties.
To apply for this form, applicants must contact the appropriate system manager in the wing or division. This manager is located at the major command, AFMPC, or NPRC. The medical board report coordinator will complete the form and assemble the required attachments.