AFFORM.NET – AF Form 1160 – Military Retirement Actions – What is an Air Force Form AF Form 1160? Where can I find one? This article will answer those questions, and give you the basic information you need to get started. AF Form 1160, also known as a military retirement form, is used to report military retirement actions, such as a military discharge. However, it is important to note that it is not the same as an AF Form 1150, which is a different form altogether.
Download AF Form 1160 – Military Retirement Actions
Form Number | AF1160 |
Form Title | Military Retirement Actions |
Published | 01 May 1998 |
Prescribing Pub | AFI36-3203 |
File Size | 2.01 MB |
What is an Air Force Form AF Form 1160?
You might be wondering what is an Air Force Form 1160. The form is used to nominate Airmen or civilians for various awards. The form documents the justification for yearly or quarterly awards. It serves to improve the public visibility of Air Force personnel and recognizes their significant achievements. The purpose of these awards is to promote morale and public support for the Air Force. The form can be downloaded in either a fillable format or as a hard copy.
In some cases, an SBIR/STTR awardee may be required to submit additional supporting documentation to substantiate costs. Some SBIR/STTR programs require only one document to be uploaded, so you may need to combine your supporting documents into a single PDF file. You should carefully read the terms and conditions of SBIR/STTR awards before you apply for them. You should only apply for grants if you can prove that your research and development plan is feasible.
Where Can I Find an AF Form AF Form 1160?
Applicants often need to provide supplemental forms to complete their application process. Listed under the Required Documents section of a job announcement, these documents may be created by the applicant or provided by another organization. The Federal Aviation Administration makes use of additional, FAA-approved documents in its application processes. Learn where to find an AF Form 1160. To begin your application process, visit the federal aviation administration’s website.
AF Form 1160 – Military Retirement Actions
The U.S. Air Force Form 1160 was released on May 1, 1998. It is used countrywide. Although it doesn’t have separate filing guidelines, it is simple to complete and download as a fillable form. Below is a brief description of what you need to include on your AF Form 1160. Whether you’re retired from the armed forces or not, you’ll want to complete this form.
A current service member can opt into the Blended Retirement System. By opting in, they’ll automatically receive a DoD contribution of 1 percent, plus up to four percent additional matching contributions from the government. Unlike a former service member, current service members do not need to wait two years to be eligible for this plan. They can make their own contributions to their 401(k) and government match, if they’ve served for two years.