AFFORM.NET – AF Form 116 – Request For Deviation From Security Criteria – Are you confused by the Air Force Form 116? Are you unsure where to find the form? This article explains the AF Form 116 – Request For Deviation From Security – and where to find it. You can now use the tool to make it easier to fill out and submit. Besides being easy to find, the tool also allows you to customize your documents as per your specific needs. Here are some of its features:
Download AF Form 116 – Request For Deviation From Security Criteria
Form Number | AF116 |
Published | 24 Oct 2017 |
Prescribing Pub | DAFI31-101 |
File Size | 961.01 KB |
What is an Air Force Form 116?
What is Air Force Form 116? is a document used to report a medical condition for military members? The form was released by the U.S. Air Force – United States Air Force Academy on April 1, 2005. It is used nationwide, but no separate filing guidelines are available. However, the form can be filled out online using an online application or you can download a fillable version. If you are a military member and need to submit a medical condition report, you can download AF Form 116 and complete it manually.